Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's Coming Up Next?

After the Bear Stuffing and Finishing Party we will be getting ready for the-
"Swing Into Spring" Pops Concert - Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Emerson Hospital Auxiliary is proud to present our 34th annual "Swing Into Spring" Pops Concert at Concord's historic Performing Arts Center. Conductor James O'Dell kicks off his second season with the Concord Band by welcoming jazz vocalist Amanda Carr. This year's audience will be treated to several new arrangements prepared for Ms. Carr by Music Director Emeritus, Dr. William McManus.

Please consider supporting this event by attending the concert, becoming a sponsor, or advertising in our program book. For ticket information contact the Auxiliary office at 978-287-3019. For advertising opportunities please contact our program book coordinator: Priscilla Gannon at:
We hope to see you there!

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